If you are intending to end your marriage, you have probably begun to brace yourself for the emotional fallout that often accompanies divorce. After all, you may experience anger, sadness, resentment, depression and many other challenging emotions. According to...
PLM Family Law
Mediation And Collaborative Law
3 tips for a successful divorce mediation
The traditional divorce litigation process is adversarial. Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution that helps encourage a more cordial relationship with your ex-spouse going forward. Mediation is not magic, and sometimes things do not work out the way...
How can a collaborative approach to divorce help you?
When you and your ex-spouse decide to take steps to make your split final, you may wonder whether there are other methods for divorce rather than the court system. Collaborative divorce can help ease the typical amount of stress people feel during this time. Increased...
When does spousal support end?
When receiving an award for spousal support, you may wonder how long you will receive the payments. Sometimes, it depends on the order and other times, external factors could impact it. According to the State of North Dakota Courts, if the court does not specify an...
Mediation may help avoid an overwhelming divorce procedure
Couples who realize their marriage has progressed beyond repair may wish to consider mediation as an alternative to a traditional divorce. As reported by Women's Health magazine, mediation may serve as an attractive option when two spouses have the ability to reach an...
How can mediation reduce stress during a divorce?
During the divorce process, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of arguments or disagreements you face while separating from your ex-spouse. If you are prone to stress, a typical litigated divorce may not suit your needs. Learning more about mediation can help you...
Collaborative divorce can benefit both parties
When North Dakota couples choose to divorce, they might believe that divorce inevitably ends up in a drawn-out court battle. While some marriages do end this way and are costly to settle, another option that couples have is a collaborative divorce. The process can be...
Should you turn to mediation in a divorce?
Mediation is a helpful process that can allow you and your spouse to come to an agreement after filing for divorce in North Dakota. Mediation is often useful if you're trying to agree on who gets custody or how to divide your assets. It can allow you to get...
What to know about collaborative divorce
The divorce process is often portrayed as a long and arduous one. However, there are steps you can take to ensure that your divorce goes as smoothly as possible. For instance, instead of taking your case in front of a North Dakota judge, you can choose to pursue a...
How collaborative divorce works
Some couples' divorce proceedings in North Dakota turn into long court battles with each party trying to get what they feel they deserve. Other couples settle their issues out of court via a collaborative divorce, only needing help with the documents. Couples who...