Divorce can be a complex process for anyone, but military families face unique challenges. Factors like deployment, military benefits, and laws specific to these situations make the divorce process different for military families compared to civilian families....

PLM Family Law
Is moving out a mistake in divorce?
Deciding whether to move out during a divorce can be a challenging decision. This choice can significantly impact both emotional and legal outcomes. Understanding how moving out before you finalize your divorce might affect you can help you make an informed decision....
Can prenuptial agreements affect spousal support determinations?
Prenuptial agreements have become increasingly common, offering couples a way to define financial expectations before marriage. It is important to know how prenuptial agreements can affect spousal support if you are thinking about getting a prenup or already have one....
Legal considerations when dividing digital assets in a divorce
Dividing assets in a divorce can be challenging, especially when it includes digital assets. As technology advances, couples often share online accounts, cryptocurrencies, digital photos, and other virtual possessions. Identifying digital assets First, identify all...
Unpaid child support can lower a parent’s credit score
Unpaid child support can have serious consequences. Aside from impacting the parent responsible for making payments, it can also affect the child who relies on that financial support. In addition to legal penalties, such as wage garnishment and suspension of driver's...
Going over the benefits of divorce
Divorce is a significant decision that can bring about both challenges and opportunities for those seeking to end their marriage. While divorce can be a difficult and emotional process, it also offers several potential benefits. It is important for people who are...
3 tips for protecting your investments in a divorce
Protecting your investments during a divorce helps safeguard your financial future. Divorce proceedings can have major implications for investment portfolios, making it necessary to take certain steps to protect your assets. By implementing strategies to shield your...
Will your prenuptial agreement hold up in court?
Prenuptial agreements are legal documents that couples may choose to sign before tying the knot. A prenup is useful for outlining the distribution of assets and financial responsibilities in the event of a divorce. While many believe that a prenuptial agreement is a...
How can social media impact your divorce?
Divorce is a challenging process, even when both parties commit to remaining amicable. Certain actions can make the process even more tense, particularly when it comes to the use of social media. Social media can keep you connected with the important people in your...
How can you effectively co-parent after divorce?
Co-parenting after a divorce requires effective communication, collaboration and a shared commitment to prioritize the well-being of your children. Navigating this journey can foster a healthy and supportive environment for your children as they adapt to the changes...