Some families want to open their homes to an older child instead of a newborn. If you are considering adopting an older child, there are some things you should prepare yourself and your family for before committing to an adoption. As Psychology Today explains, many...
PLM Family Law
Month: February 2023
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Important things to know when administering QDROs in North Dakota
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a tool by which divorcing couples can separate their joint retirement accounts. Retirement accounts are often among a person's greatest assets, especially when divorcing later in life. Here is what you need to know about...
Handling debt amid divorce
When a North Dakota marriage ends, an essential part of disentangling your life from your ex’s involves taking care of your assets and debts. Doing so gives each of you a chance at a fresh financial start and helps you plan and budget for life without your one-time...