PLM Family Law

4 factors to consider when creating a parenting plan

For divorcing spouses who want to co-parent successfully, a well-thought-out parenting plan is invaluable. A plan that ensures all parties receive consideration is one that is most often successful.

In North Dakota, parenting time is “the time each parent enjoys with his or her children.” When determining how much time children will spend with each parent, it is important to consider the following factors.

A child’s age

The schedule you create should be age-appropriate, taking into account how much physical, emotional or mental care your child requires. Over time, the plan will likely need to change as needs change.

Parents’ work schedules

Both parents will have obligations they must meet, which should get consideration as you build a plan for parenting time. When exchanges will occur, what holidays each parent will have with the child and

School and extracurricular activities

Most children, regardless of age, have educational or extracurricular activities that you must factor into a parenting plan. Think about how much time it takes for dropping off, picking up and attending events and school and make that part of the parenting plan.

Relationships with other family members

Divorcing parents should also consider any important relationships a child may have with other family members, such as grandparents or siblings. While the most important relationship is between parent and child, these other connections should get factored into parenting time.

When creating a parenting plan, adequate thought should go toward what is best for the child and both parents. This creates a blueprint for successful co-parenting.